楊曉瑩老師於法國巴黎高等政治學院(SCIENCE PO - INSTITUTE D'ETUDES POLITIQUES DE PARIS)經濟學博士(財金模組)和企管碩士畢業,法國教育部高等教育評鑑第一名;且於美國賓州州立大學財金學士畢業。研究領域有行為財務學、金融市場、投資及企業社會責任等。研究成果刊登於Journal of Financial Services Research,Quantitative Finance,Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 及 Finance Research Letters等國際財務學術期刊。
2005 法國巴黎高等政治學院經濟科學博士 (SCIENCE PO - IEP de Paris)
113年度 國立成功大學卓越學術研究補助 (傑出學術論文領域排名top5%以內)
112年度 國立成功大學卓越學術研究補助 (傑出學術論文領域排名top5%以內)
112學年度 國立成功大學校級教學創新EMI教學優良教師
109學年度 國立成功大學校級教學優良教師
103學年度 國立成功大學校級教學優良教師
投資學 行為財務學 公司理財 企業社會責任
06-2757575 -53565
2023年8月~迄今 國立成功大學國際經營管理研究所教授
2012年8月~2023年7月 國立成功大學國際經營管理研究所副教授
2008年8月~2012年7月 國立成功大學國際經營管理研究所助理教授
Yang, A.S. (2023) Regret sensitivity and stock certificate loss reporting: Evidence from Taiwan. Finance Research Letters 58,104030.
Yang, A.S., Mekrangsiman, S. (2023) Corporate social responsibility as sustainability management: international shipping firms and financial performance. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 16 (1/2), 120-140.
Yang, A.S., Yulianto, F.A. (2022) Cost of equity and corporate social responsibility for environmental sensitive industries: Evidence from international pharmaceutical and chemical firms. Finance Research Letters 47(A), 102532.
Yang, A.S., Susanto, G.C. (2021) Corporate social responsibility and cash holding: evidence from trucking firms. Applied Economics Letters 28(1), 85-89.
Yang, A.S. (2020) Investors’ trust and financial participation: Latent difficulty measurement. Asia Pacific Management Review 25(2), 87-98.
Yang, A.S. (2020) Misinformation corrections of corporate news: Corporate clarification announcements. Pacific Basin Finance Journal 61, 101315.
Yang, A.S., Okada, H. (2019) Corporate innovations as institutional anomie: Patent activities and financial performance of the international aerospace industry. Finance Research Letters 28, 328-336.
Yang, A.S., Baasandorj, S. (2017) Exploring CSR and financial performance of full-service and low-cost air carriers. Finance Research Letters 23, 291-299.
Yang, A.S., Carandang, C.A.U. (2017) Exploring the location and price differentials of cross-listed firms for arbitrage opportunities. Finance Research Letters 21, 85-91.
Yang, A.S. (2016) Calendar trading of Taiwan stock market: A study of holidays on trading detachment and interruptions. Emerging Markets Review 28, 140-154.
Yang, A.S. (2016) Sentimental relationships between lottery participation and household consumption. Asia Pacific Management Review 21(1), 38-47.
Yang, A.S., Pangastuti, A. (2016) Stock market efficiency and liquidity: The Indonesia Stock Exchange merger. Research in International Business and Finance 36, 28-40.
Lu, C., Yang, A.S. (2015) Bankruptcy predictions for U.S. air carrier operations: a study of financial data. Journal of Economics and Finance 39(3), 574-589.
Yang, A.S. (2015) Lottery Payment Cards: A Study of Mental Accounting, Intelligent Systems in Accounting. Finance and Management 22(3), 201-226.
Lu. C., Yang, A.S. (2015) Market Timing and REIT: A Sentimental Analysis. 住宅學報 24(1), 1-28.
Huang, H.H., Chan, M.L., Yang, A.S. (2011) Who will fare better in a political crisis? Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 50, 22-34.
Yang, A.S. (2013) Assessments in Financial Occupational Exams. Asia Pacific Management Review 18(1), 25-41.
Yang, A.S. (2012) Decision Making for Individual Investors: A Measurement of Latent Difficulties. Journal of Financial Services Research 44(3), 303-329.
Yang, A.S., Wu, M.L. (2011) Exploring the relationship between investor sentiment and price volatility. Quantitative Finance 11(6), 955-965.
Yang, A.S. (2009) Exploring Adoption difficulties in mobile banking services. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 26(2), 136-149.
Cheng, Y.H., Yang, A.S., Liu, Y.H. (2009) Financial investment behavior tendencies of air carriers. Journal of Air Transport Management 15(6), 354-356.
110 投資人情緒與公司不法行為之關聯性: 以差別接觸與懲罰理論為例
106 探討投資人情緒與好奇心之關聯性: 以謠言為例
103 投資人情緒與社會觀感之關聯性: 隱藏訊息特性之探討
102 投資人情緒與時間效應之關聯性
99 儲值卡使用意願之研究 – 彩券消費為例
98 探討彩券發行對社會與經濟層面之衝擊
97 消費者選擇金融投資商品之困難度研究
113 友誼建立困難度分析:在財務EMI課程中結識朋友與同伴學習成效之探討
112 學業自我概念與學習成效之關聯性:以全英文EMI財務課程為例
111 財務課程主動式學習與學習成效之關聯性: 以選擇題測驗評量為例
110 財務課程專題式學習: 外國和台灣學生小組報告之分工與合作困難度分析
109 財務報表課程參與困難度分析:外國和台灣學生學習風格差異