張佑宇老師為國立成功大學國際經營管理研究所、全校不分系學士學位學程與創意產業設計研究所專任副教授,並擔任國經所所長以及台南市企業經理協進會總幹事,曾任成大管理學院創新教學發展中心主任。張老師2015年自國立中興大學取得科技管理博士學位,曾擔任澳洲墨爾本皇家理工大學(RMIT)訪問學者(區塊鏈創新研究中心,2020年;經濟、財金與行銷學院,2018年)。張老師的研究關注創業家精神、創業教育、使用者創新行為與創新公共財治理等議題。研究論文發表於Journal of Business Research、Human Resource Management Review、European Management Journal、Journal of Cultural Economics、Studies in Higher Education等商業管理、經濟以及教育領域之國際期刊,並擔任國際期刊Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences(SSCI)與Asia Pacific Management Review(ESCI)之副主編以及British Journal of Management(SSCI)與Journal of Business Economics and Management(SSCI)之編輯委員。
06-2757575 -53564
1. 成功大學國際經營管理研究所,所長 (2024~)
2. 成功大學管理學院創新教學發展中心,主任 (2022~2024)
3. 台南市企業經理協進會,總幹事 (2022~)
4. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences(SSCI),副主編 (2023~)
5. Asia Pacific Management Review(ESCI),副主編 (2024~)
6. British Journal of Management(SSCI),編輯委員 (2024~)
7. Journal of Business Economics and Management(SSCI),編輯委員 (2022~)
8. 捷克馬薩里克大學Masaryk University,經濟與管理學院客座副教授 (2024)
9. 澳洲墨爾本皇家理工大學,區塊鏈創新研究中心,訪問學者 (2020)
10. 澳洲墨爾本皇家理工大學,經濟、財金與行銷學院,訪問學者 (2018)
11. 南臺科技大學國際企業系,助理教授 (2016~2019)
Lin, B.-W., Shih, H.-Y., & Chang, Y.-Y. (2025), Knowledge Diffusion from Academia to Industry. British Journal of Management. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8551.12884 [SSCI]
Chang, Y. Y., Purevlochin, U., & Chen, H. Y. (2024). Seeking silver lining for leaders' well-being: understanding gender differences in work-family conflict, leadership style and prioritizing coping strategy. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration. DOI: 10.1108/APJBA-11-2023-0581 [ESCI, ABDC]
Chang, Y. Y., Chang, W. S., & Fadhil, A. (2024). Enterprising spirit rejuvenated: entrepreneurship education in shaping company employees' career commitment and turnover intentions. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship. DOI: 10.1108/NEJE-02-2024-0009 [ABI, ABDC]
Chang, Y.-Y., Shih, H.-Y., & Lin, B.-W. (2023). Work curiosity and R&D professionals’ creative performance: Scientists vs. engineers. Technovation 124, 102739. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation.2023.102739 [SSCI]
Chang, Y.-Y., Chen, H.-Y., & Chau, M.-D. (2023). Is There No Place Like Home? Expatriates' Locus of Control Personality, Self-efficacy, Cross-cultural Adjustment, and Organizational Support for Expatriate Career. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 93. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2023.101761 [SSCI]
Chang, Y.-Y., Wannamakok, W., & Lin, Y.-H. (2023). Work conformity as a double-edged sword: Disentangling intra-firm social dynamics and employees' innovative performance in technology-intensive firms. Asia Pacific Management Review. DOI: 10.1016/j.apmrv.2023.01.003 [ESCI]
Chang, Y.-Y., Kao, C.-P., Lin, K.-Y., & Osborne, M. (2023). Factors driving volunteers’ interest in science careers: self-efficacy, social support and satisfaction. Current Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-023-04266-0 [SSCI]
Chang, Y.-Y., Sanchez-Loor, D. A., Hsieh, H.-C., & Chang, W.-S. (2022). How aging affects opportunity-necessity entrepreneurship: Demographic and perceptual view. Australian Journal of Management. DOI: 10.1177/03128962221101084 [SSCI]
Chang, Y.-Y., Wannamakok, W., & Schatzl, K. (2022). The Influence of Institutional Environment on the Development of Technology-Intensive Start-Ups: The Case of Austria, Journal of Enterprising Culture. DOI: 10.1142/S021849582250008X [ESCI, ABI]
Chang, Y.-Y., Wannamakok, W., & Kao, C.P. (2022). Entrepreneurship Education, Academic Major, and University Students' Social Entrepreneurial Intention: The Perspective of Planned Behavior Theory. Studies in Higher Education. [SSCI] (accepted).
Chang, Y.-Y.*, Potts, J., & Shih, H.-Y. (2021). The market for meaning: A new entrepreneurial approach to creative industries dynamics. Journal of Cultural Economics 45, 491-511. (*Corresponding author) [SSCI]
Lembana, D. A. A., Chang, Y.-Y., & Liang, W.-K. (2021). Satisfied with the Status Quo or Dare to Challenge the Future? Institutional Environment and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy of Company Employees. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 10(2), 88-107. [EconLit]
Wannamakok, W., Chang, Y.-Y., & Täks, M. (2020). The Relationship between Institutional Environments and Entrepreneurial Intention in Estonia: Mediating Roles of Desirability and Feasibility. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 8(2), 111-126. [ESCI, ABI]
Wannamakok, W., & Chang, Y.-Y.* (2020). Understanding nascent women entrepreneurs: an exploratory investigation into their entrepreneurial intentions. Gender in Management: An International Journal 35(6), 553-566. (*Corresponding author) [SSCI]
Chang, Y. Y., & Chen, M. H. (2020). Creative entrepreneurs’ creativity, opportunity recognition, and career success: Is resource availability a double-edged sword?. European Management Journal, 38(5), 750-762. [SSCI]
Kao, C. P., Wu, Y. T., Chang, Y. Y., Chien, H. M., & Mou, T. Y. (2020). Understanding Web-Based Professional Development in Education: The Role of Attitudes and Self-efficacy in Predicting Teachers’ Technology-Teaching Integration. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 29(5), 405-415. [SSCI]
Chang, Y.-Y., Chen, H.-Y., & Shih, H.-Y. (2019), Exploring How Work Motivation Affects Creative Performance through Creative Processes: The Moderating Effects of Work Design. Journal of Technology Management 24(3): 37-76. (written in Chinese) [TSSCI]
Wannamakok, W., & Chang, Y.-Y. (2019). Institutional Environments and Social Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Case of Thailand. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research 9(1), 97-111. [EconLit]
Chang, Y. Y.*, & Shih, H. Y. (2019). Work curiosity: A new lens for understanding employee creativity. Human Resource Management Review, 29(4), 100672. (*Corresponding author) [SSCI]
Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Pan, J.-Y. (2018). Typology of Creative Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Success. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy 12(5), 632-656. (*Corresponding author) [EconLit, ABI]
Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Lin, Y.-C. (2018). Exploring Creative Entrepreneurs’ Happiness: Cognitive Style, Guanxi, and Creativity. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 14, 1089-1110. (*Corresponding author) [SSCI]
Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Chang, Y.-C. (2017). The trinity of entrepreneurial team dynamics: cognition, conflicts and cohesion, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 23(6), 934-951 (*Corresponding author) [SSCI]
Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, Wang, H.-Y., & Chen, M.-H. (2017). Understanding Creative Entrepreneurs’ Intention to Quit: The Role of Entrepreneurial Motivation, Creativity, and Opportunity. Entrepreneurship Research Journal 7(3), 1-15 (*Corresponding author) [SSCI] (Leading article)
Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Chiang, M.-T. (2017). Human capital and career success of creative entrepreneurs: is guanxi network a missing link?. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 29(4), 313-331. (*Corresponding author) [EconLit, ABI]
Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Chang, Y.-C. (2015). Exploring individual-work context fit in affecting employee creativity in technology-based companies. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 98, 1-12. (*Corresponding author) [SSCI] (Leading article)
Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y., & Chang, Y.-C. (2015). Entrepreneurial Orientation, Social Networks, and Creative Performance: Middle Managers as Corporate Entrepreneurs. Creativity and Innovation Management 24(3), 493-507. [SSCI]
Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Lo, Y.-H. (2015). Creativity cognitive style, conflict, and career success for creative entrepreneurs. Journal of Business Research 68, 906-910. (*Corresponding author) [SSCI]
Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y.*, & Lee, C.-Y. (2015). Creative entrepreneurs' guanxi networks and success: Information and resource. Journal of Business Research 68, 900-905. (*Corresponding author) [SSCI]
Chen, M.-H., & Chang, Y.-Y. (2013). The impacts of human capital in enhancing new venture's performance: Competence, motivation and creativity. Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China, 5(2), 146-168. [Scopus]
Chen, M.-H., Pan, Y.-T., Chang, Y.-Y. & Wu, J.-D. (2012), “Cultural Creative Quarter and Urban Regeneration: The Case Studies of Tianzifang in Shanghai, China and Cultural Industries Quarter in Sheffield, United Kingdom”. Journal of Technology Management 17(1): 27-72. (written in Chinese) [TSSCI]
1. 計畫主持人。國科會專題研究計畫,建構創新知識公共財的新理論視角:使用者創新與生產者創新的利害關係人動態 (NSTC 113-2410-H-006 -132 -MY2) [多年期:2024/8/1 ~ 2026/7/31]
2. 計畫主持人。教育部教學實踐研究計畫,實務性創業教學法、產業實踐與學生職涯發展意向:以縱貫性調查為基礎之長期研究(PSR1121274) [多年期:2023/08/01-2025/07/31]
3. 計畫主持人。國科會愛因斯坦培植計畫,創客基地與創業家精神:創新共有資源觀點(5/5) (NSTC 112-2636-H-006-004) [2023/2/1 ~ 2024/1/31]
4. 計畫主持人。教育部教學實踐研究計畫,探討實踐性創業教學法與學生創業意圖之動態變化:創業好奇心、新創涉入經驗與工作經歷之影響(PBM1110546) [2022/08/01-2023/07/31]
5. 計畫主持人。科技部愛因斯坦培植計畫,創客基地與創業家精神:創新共有資源觀點(4/5) (MOST 111-2636-H-006-001) [2022/2/1 ~ 2023/1/31]
6. 計畫主持人。教育部教學實踐研究計畫,實踐性創業教學法、精實創業過程與團隊動態:探討團隊跨領域組成與文化多元性對於創業認知建構之影響(PBM1101334) [2021/08/01-2022/07/31]
7. 計畫主持人(台灣區)。公益財團法人日本台灣交流協會,共同研究資助計劃(人文・社會科學領域),COVID-19が女性就業者とそのマネジメントに及ぼす影響の日台比較(COVID-19對於女性工作者及其管理的影響:台日比較分析)[2021/4/1~ 2022/3/31]
8. 計畫主持人。科技部愛因斯坦培植計畫(延攬客座科技人才:竹內規彥,日本早稻田大學商學院管理學教授),創客基地與創業家精神:創新共有資源觀點(3/5) (MOST 110-2811-H-006-501) [2021/11/01 ~ 2022/01/31]
9. 計畫主持人。科技部愛因斯坦培植計畫,創客基地與創業家精神:創新共有資源觀點(3/5) (MOST 110-2636-H-006-001) [2021/2/1 ~ 2022/1/31]
10. 計畫主持人。教育部教學實踐研究計畫,實踐式與互動式教學法導入創意創業教學之研究:探討學生專業背景對創業認知建構的影響(PBM1090559) [2020/8/1 ~ 2021/7/31]
11. 計畫主持人。綠能科技產業推動中心,沙崙科學城整體發展策略委託研究規劃案[2020/5/28 ~ 2020/11/30]
12. 計畫主持人。科技部愛因斯坦培植計畫,創客基地與創業家精神:創新共有資源觀點(2/5) (MOST 109-2636-H-006-001) [2020/2/1 ~ 2021/1/31]
13. 計畫主持人。科技部愛因斯坦培植計畫,創客基地與創業家精神:創新共有資源觀點(1/5) (MOST 108-2636-H-006-001) [2019/2/1 ~ 2020/1/31]
14. 共同主持人。教育部人文社會與科技前瞻人才培育計畫,數位經濟的倫理觀:高齡創新服務人才培育計畫(C-06-108-0-0941) [108/2/1 ~ 108/8/31]
15. 計畫主持人。科技部專題研究計畫,文化創意產業之價值演化模型初探(MOST 106-2410-H-218-017) [2017/8/01 ~ 2018/11/30]
16. 計畫主持人。科技部專題研究計畫,探討工作好奇心、從眾傾向、環境特性與知識型員工之創意:量表建構與模型驗證(MOST 105-2410-H-218-021-SSS) [2016/11 ~ 2017/10]
17. 計畫主持人。科技部獎勵人文與社會科學領域博士候選人撰寫博士論文計畫,Entrepreneurial Cognitive Style, Guanxi Networks, and Venture Success in the Creative Industries (MOST 102-2420-H-005-003-DR) [2013/8/01~ 2014/7/31]